08 November 2015

Tour to Makassar, Some of Amazing Places Overthere

Sulawesi Travel Blog - If we talk about the beauty of coastal tourism in Indonesia is not endless, one of the beaches that keep the natural beauty is Losari beach. The beauty of Losari is in island of Indonesia. The beach is located at Jalan Penghibur west of the city of Makassar. And this is amazing place in Makassar, so today we are goin to Tour to Makassar.
Tour to Makassar
Sunset at Losari Beach, Makassar / Source: zulkarnainaziz.com
The beach is a place for residents and newcomers Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening to enjoy the view of the sunset is very beautiful. This beach has a unique and fascinating feature. One characteristic of Losari is the visitors can watch the sunrise and sunset at the same position.

Makassar is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a natural beauty. Tourist attractions in the city of Makassar also not defeat the various tourist attractions of other cities in Indonesia. Makassar has a variety of tourist attractions that make tourists amazed and make visitors to come back to Makassar later.

Here are some beautiful tourist spots in the city of Makassar.

1.    Bantimurung National Park
Bantimurung National Park is located 45 km from the center of Makassar, or more details in Maros. Garden has an area of up to 43,750 hectares is very attract tourists. Bantimurung National Park has some of the favorite places of tourists, of which surround the waterfall, limestone hills and caves. Moreover, in this National Park also tourists can see various kinds of butterflies are beautiful from the moment in the form of a caterpillar, chrysalis, to adult butterfly. In fact, there are also several types of butterflies collected and preserved.

2.    Tempe Lake
The lake is located in the western part Wajo, Makassar; this is stealing the attention of the tourists. The lake is known as the largest fresh lake fish producer in the world is very exciting to visit. House floating above the water of Lake Tempe is the main attraction. In this place, tourists can walk around the lake by renting a boat, or can be fished directly on the boat.

3.    Marine Park Taka Bonerate
A marine park is located in the town of Citadel, Selayar. Taka Bonerate Marine Park is often referred to as "diver’s paradise" because of the natural beauty of exotic underwater. When diving, the divers will play along with hundreds of species of fish, turtles and turtle increasingly make divers more comfortable in the underwater world Taka Bonerate Marine Park. Moreover, the beauty of the coral reef in Marine Park This further adds to the beauty found in nature underwater marine park Taka Bonerate.

Then where you will Tour to Makassar? We are waiting for you...

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